Welcome Booklet

Fourth Grade
Welcome and Information Booklet
R. L. Young Elementary School

Welcome to Fourth Grade!  This year students will rotate between two teachers:  Mrs. Lamberth and Mrs. Wilson.  Mrs. Lamberth teaches Math, Science, and Alabama History to all students.  Mrs. Wilson teaches Reading, Language (with Writing), and Spelling to all students.  This booklet will tell you some important information about the year in fourth grade.  Please sign only the back page, letting us know you have read and agree to this information.  Return only the back page to us, and keep the rest of the booklet at home to remind you of policies throughout the year.

Attendance and Make-Up Work
Regular attendance is a vital part of a child’s success in school.  Instruction begins at 7:50.  If a student is not in their class by 8:00, they will be marked tardy.  They will not be allowed in class without a tardy pass from the office.  Students will be dismissed at the back of the school at 2:35p.m.  If there is a change in the usual method of transportation, the parent/guardian must send a note to tell us how their child is going home.
            If a student is absent, they must bring a note explaining the reason for the absence within 3 days; otherwise, the absence will be unexcused.   If your child is sick, they should not be brought to school.  Please assure that we have updated telephone numbers in case your child should get sick at school.  Students cannot stay at school if they are sick.
            If a student has an excused absence, they will have 3 days from the day of their return to make up any missed work.  If the absence is unexcused, they will not be able to make up any work.  They will get a zero for all work they missed.  A suspension is an unexcused absence.  If a student has an unexcused tardy they will not be able to make up the work missed.  If the tardy is excused, the work will be made up that day if possible.  If students check out, they must complete the work by the next school day they are at school, or it will be marked with a zero.  Students are responsible for checking the make-up work folder and with the teacher for missed work.  The teachers cannot continue to ask for make-up work.

Homework Policy
            Fourth grade is a time when students should be responsible for their work.  Please encourage your child to keep up with his or her own work and help them get organized in order to do this.  Parents should help make sure homework is done properly and sign where a signature is required.  Homework should be written in the student planner.  If students lose their planner, they will NOT be given another one.  You may purchase a small notebook to keep up with assignments should you lose your planner.  All homework is due as instructed in class.  For Mrs. Lamberth’s subjects, homework is given on a daily basis, and it is due the next day.  For Mrs. Wilson’s subjects, a homework sheet is given weekly.  It contains all assignments and due dates.  If a student is absent on the day homework is due, it is expected the next day they return to school.  Homework will only be accepted late in the case of an excused absence.  Grades are given for homework. 

            Students may bring a healthy snack to eat during the morning.  Students may bring water to drink.  No other drinks are allowed.  No powder mixes are allowed to be added to water.

Discipline Policy
            We are glad to have your child as one of our students this year.  In order for us to effectively teach them and for them to learn, we have a plan for discipline.  We will not allow any student to prevent us from teaching or any student from learning.  To help ensure a successful school experience, the following discipline plan will be in effect this year. 

School Rules:
  1. Follow directions the first time they are given.
  2. Walk quietly in the hall at all times.
  3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
  4. Respect school property, fellow students, and yourself.
  5. Come to class prepared.
  6. Swearing, teasing, fighting, or using obscene language is not allowed at any time.
Restroom Rules:
  1. Do not litter or abuse restroom fixtures.
  2. Not talking or playing in the restroom.
Lunchroom Rules:
  1. Use quiet voices.
  2. Use good manners.  Do not play with or throw food or drinks.
  3. Walk at all times.
  4. Keep your area clean.  Clean up after yourself.

Consequences of failure to adhere to the rules are as follows:
  1. First offense – Name recorded – Warning issued.
  2. Second offense – Check placed beside name.  Conduct grade lowered 10 points.
  3. Third offense – Additional check placed beside name.  Conduct grade lowered an additional 10 points.  Parent contacted.
  4. Fourth offense – Additional check placed beside name.  Conduct grade lowered additional 10 points.  Student sent to office.

If the behavior is severe at any point, teachers may automatically send the student to the office and deduct 50 points from the conduct grade.  Misbehavior in any area outside the classroom (for example:  morning bus room, library, PE, computer, assemblies) will result in a loss of additional points.
Students with an A in conduct each six-weeks will receive a conduct ribbon at the honor roll assembly.  Teachers will reward students with a six weeks average of 95 and above with extra rewards at the end of the six-weeks. 

Weekly Conduct Folders
Folders go home on Mondays containing the previous week’s conduct grades and papers.  These must be signed by a parent or guardian and returned the following school day.  Keep the week’s papers at home.  Do not return them.  Many times important notes from teachers or the office come home in these papers.  Please look them over carefully.  This is also how you may keep up with your child’s progress.
Mrs. Wilson’s Reading and Language Arts
            Children improve their reading skills by reading.  Students are encouraged to read silently or orally for at least 20 minutes nightly.  This reading can be a library book, text book, or other materials on their reading level.  When this reading is used as a part of homework grade, a parent signature will be required on the form given.
            The STAR test will be given during the year to place students on their correct reading level, which will be used in the AR program.  Reading grades will include daily work products, group activities, class participation, book reports, and test scores. 
Vocabulary and Spelling
            Vocabulary words from our reading series are listed in the Reading textbook and can also be written in the student planner.  These words will be taught and reinforced during the week and tested on the same day as the reading comprehension test.
            Spelling words will be listed on the homework sheet and can also be written in the student planner.  Spelling tests will be given on a day announced in class and should be written in the student planner.
Language and Writing
            Most language work will be completed in class, with homework for these skills being practiced at home through the homework activities for spelling.  Each test covering textbook material will be announced at least one day prior to the exam. 
            Writing skills will be taught throughout each subject.  Students will maintain a writing folder/ portfolio that parents may view at any time.  Fifth grade will be giving the Alabama Writing Assessment, so we will help prepare students for this, also.  Grades given for writing assignments will be included with Language grades.

Mrs. Lamberth’s Math, Science, and Alabama History
            Math homework, as a general rule, is given on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights.  The children will be instructed to write down their homework assignment in their assignment notebook.  I encourage you to go over the homework each night after your child has completed it, so immediate feedback and help can be given when needed.  It is perfectly all right for them to correct mistakes that you might catch.  This is also a part of the learning process.
Science and Alabama History
            As homework is assigned in Science and Alabama History, it is also to be written in the assignment notebook.  Tests will be announced several days in advance, so having time for studying should not be a problem for anyone.
            As you know, working together as a team (parent, teacher, child) will help your child get the best education possible. Conferences will be scheduled as needed by the teacher, unless one is requested by a parent.  If you wish to speak with a teacher about your child or have any questions, please let us know by writing a note or by calling the school and leaving a message at 315-5888. 

Signature Page

We, as teachers, feel that this information and these policies are best for the success of all children.  We look forward to working as a team to help your child get the best education possible.

Mrs. Lamberth                                                       Mrs. Wilson

I have read, understand, and agree to the policies contained in this booklet:
          1.  Attendance and make-up work
          2.  Snacks
          3.  Conferences
          4.  Discipline Policy
          5.  Homework Policy
          6.  Weekly Conduct Folders
          7.  Mrs. Wilson’s Reading and Language Arts
          8.  Mrs. Lamberth’s Math, Science, and AL History

Student printed name and signature                                            Date

Parent printed name and signature                                              Date